Description of Project:

PropertyFree is a real estate management application meant for property agents to organize their properties and meetings more efficiently. Other application can keep track of meetings and schedules but there are relatively few applications that help track properties and associate them with meetings with clients. For our project we hope to make it more streamlined for agents to keep track of their property and have clear information about those properties and their clients.

  • New Feature: Implemented the Add function for Bidder and Seller
    • What it does: allows the user to add and Bidder and Seller, who are the clients engaged by the user (a Property Agent).

    • Justification: This feature is pivotal as the other entities, namely, Bid, Property and Meeting all require and interact with the Bidder and Seller.

    • Highlights:
      • Establishing a way of uniquely identifying Bidder and Seller, which we eventually decided on Id class.
    • Credits: To fellow group mate Dianne for creation of the Id
  • New Feature: Implemented the Delete function for Bidder and Seller
    • What it does: allows the user to delete and Bidders and Sellers, who are the clients engaged by the user (a Property Agent).

    • Justification: This feature is important as the user may want to remove certain clients for any reasons such as client’s loss of interest or if the deal is already closed.

    • Highlights: Implementing “cascading” deletion function where the deletion of:
    • Bidder subsequently deletes all Meeting and Bid that it is tied to. Seller subsequently deletes all Property that it is tied to.
  • New Feature: Implemented the Find, List and Edit function for Bidder and Seller
    • What it does: Allows the user to editBidder and Seller, or find clients based on their names. Lastly to list it all after being filtered.

    • Justification: This feature is important as the user may have to change certain information, filter out and list all information.

    • Highlights: My implementation of the Edit function prevents any clients from having the same name or same phone number

  • New Feature: Implemented the AutoTab switching function for PropertyFree
    • What it does: Changes the tab from entity to entity depending on the command executed by the user.

    • Justification: Since PropertyFree uses a TabBar interface in JavaFx for displaying the various list of entities, the TabBar actually defies the constraint of the user being inclined with command line interface. Hence, the AutoTab feature was implemented to turn this disadvantage around.

  • New Feature: Implemented the key-press function for PropertyFree
    • What it does: navigates the calendar to the next month and to previous month. Automatically focuses on the TextField in command box so that the user is able to type commands.

    • Justification: The button control helps the user to easily navigate through the calendar to identify which dates and days are important.

  • New Feature: Implemented the next and prev command for navigating the calendar.
    • What it does: Changes the CalendarView from month to month depending on the command executed by the user.

    • Justification: To cater to different keyboard layouts, next and prev command serve as an alternate option for users to navigate the calendar. The CalendarView (both .java and .fxml) was referenced from Senior Team Project

  • Project management:
    • Managed releases v1.3a, v1.3b, v1.4 (3 releases) on GitHub
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Complete overhaul of the GUI (Pull requests #194, #182)
    • Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage with respective to Bidder and Seller commands.
  • Community:
    • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments) (examples: #201, #208, #150, )
    • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: #172, #153, #207, #213)